Taylor-Tiara Fox
Vital Stats:
5' 6"
Old Enough to Know Better
Fun Fact:
Played Pro Football in Female Leagues
Astrological Sign:
Born to seduce men and tease with her twinkling eyes. Adventurer and free spirit. Only Boy/Girl hardcore scene ever was with Aqua Entertainment - "Beloved Sister's". Sought after fetish Model and Social Party Girl. Taylor loves good times, good challenges and great adventures.
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mediumsqs 10/14/2019 what I like about pro football in a female league is it is probably more exciting above water or even on a moon. what I don't like about it is it was probably on the same rectangle grid iron when it could be at least in the shape of a Y & an A where you start at you goal line , causing softy to be important & kick off returns to not exist. & you have to throw over cheer a variety of cheer pyramidtinglings near the 30 yard lines, thus husslisliily or not involving cheerleaders the games. their are four end zones on that field. if you want to encase yourself in military plastic I think that is less sexy, & touch could be sexier? their is also gymnastics football on the gymnastics floor pad.
what I don't like about sexunderwater.com is I think it ins't trans inclusive at at all, had one cat that hired men in video hats to videographers a girl girl scene & the narrative are almost not existensening.
what I like about it there are beautiful & talntingling girl on girl & possibly queer lesbian models underwater. for relax?
what I like about pro football in a female league is it is probably more exciting above water or even on a moon. what I don't like about it is it was probably on the same rectangle grid iron when it could be at least in the shape of a Y & an A where you start at you goal line , causing softy to be important & kick off returns to not exist. & you have to throw over cheer a variety of cheer pyramidtinglings near the 30 yard lines, thus husslisliily or not involving cheerleaders the games. their are four end zones on that field. if you want to encase yourself in military plastic I think that is less sexy, & touch could be sexier? their is also gymnastics football on the gymnastics floor pad. what I don't like about sexunderwater.com is I think it ins't trans inclusive at at all, had one cat that hired men in video hats to videographers a girl girl scene & the narrative are almost not existensening. what I like about it there are beautiful & talntingling girl on girl & possibly queer lesbian models underwater. for relax?